Saturday, March 22, 2008

Field Day 2008

You may have been led to this blog by the ARRL Field Day Station Locator!

As of this writing, there are about 100 days or so until FD2008.

We at the Mountaineer Amateur Radio Association are always looking forward to another fun time at Field Day.

We will operate 2A WV from the W8SP Repeater Site in Marion County, about 5 miles east of the I-79 "Downtown Fairmont" exit (Exit 137) on 310 (aka The East Grafton Rd) in the unincorporated community of Quiet Dell.

We will begin setting up the stations on Saturday morning. We will run one PHONE, and one CW station on all HF bands (we'll try again for 160m -- that hasn't worked out well in the past!)

We'll also take advantage of setting up a VHF/UHF station, as well as several Special Mode demonstrations. We may or may not run GOTA depending on availability of some of the club members. (Also, GOTA rules tend to change from year to year, and they may or may not make it practical for us!)

Of course, on Saturday night we'll have our usual dinner at 1800 local time. Some of the family come up to the site and join us for that event. It makes for a really nice time.

After dark, we're likely to have a nice fire going and sit around and chat, and we've even been known to "pick'n'grin" a bit.

FIELD DAY 2008 - JUNE 28-29 - W8SP Repeater Site
Hope to see you there!

Bob WA8YCD MARA President

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Still goin'...

Well, I haven't been on the blog for a while, should have updated it regularly.

I keep forgetting to check into it from home. I'll try to do better.

We've just had our 5th class session and many of the folks are still hanging in there.

We have covered chapters 1, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4. We'll cover 4-1 and 4-2 next time, and 4-3 after that.

Currently we're looking at April 3 for Jeff coming by and doing the Satellite and EME presentation.

We hope to do CQ-100, EchoLink, and IRLP coming up soon.

We may also have an HF & PSK-31 demo in the works.

Looking forward to some of the excitement coming up.