Thursday, September 24, 2009

At liberty... well, soon, anyway.

Yeah I know. I don't keep this blog going-- I probably should do
a better job of keeping it up.

Last week I was notified that my job is going away. (this has
happened to be before-- I was "downsized" from TI/Raytheon in
1999. Just shy of my 20-year service anniversary.) came to my rescue, and I got a call from MetroIS
based on my posting. Funny thing is, the lady gave me the wrong
job posting number (transposed digits) and the original job I
looked at was in Martinsburg. When she told me "oh, the job we
were intending to point you to is in Clarksburg," I should have
said, "Well, then, I'll have to have about 10% more money!"

Now, it was actually way better than the Martinsburg gig would
have been since I could be at home with Dad.

Well, here we are nearly 10 years later and I'm facing yet another
defenestration. I didn't get quite as much notice and I'm sure I
won't get as nice a separation package.

But I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. Trying to turn it into
an opportunity. Maybe where I end up will be way better.

I had a nibble today for a slot upstairs from where I'm sitting
now. It's actually back closer to the group I started out with.
It may not work out, but it's a shot and it gives me a dim light
of hope in what has been a bleak week.

And if that's not bad enough, I mean, beeing unemployed is crummy
but not life-threatening. I got e-mail from Texas -- apparently
Monica's off getting MRI and CATscans and stuff. Dari said in her
e-mail that Sandra had gone down to be with her, but I haven't heard
much since the last report. Last (part 5) was that Sandra had heard
from Monica, who was waiting for the Doctor's debriefing on the MRI.

So, we're waiting for the latest update. Might not hear anything until
tomorrow, since I think Dari only does e-mail from work.

OK so there. I've updated my blog. I'll try to do better.
