Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hello, World!

Thanks to my pal W8TN, Clark, I followed the link from
his Blogs:
(personal &
WV DX Assoc
to find out how to create this blog.

I have been known to enter RANT MODE in emails, but
this is my first attempt at blogging. We'll see how it goes.

I have visited others' blogs and found it an interesting way
to share a stream of thought, even one that is under construction.

Probably not much of interest here to the general public,
but I'll point people to it from time to time and maybe get
something cool going on.


1 comment:

W8TN said...

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the fantastic world of Blogging. With over 100 MILLION blogs out there ahead of you, it's "catch up" time for sure! But, you've made a good start. I'll be checking on your progress from time to time so keep blogging.