Tuesday, February 12, 2008

When Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind?

This was a quote from Yogi Bear. No, not Yogi Berra,
who is often quoted, but the Hanna-Barbera ursine
character and denizen of Jellystone Park.

As I recall he was talking to his counterpart Boo-Boo,
in regard to hibernation.

This morning was a lousy weather morning. I would
rather hibernate than drive in this. Last night coming
home from M'town at about 2330, it had been snowing
for a while and it was kinda pretty. I was the only vehicle
on Hornbeck Road past the 4-H Camp Road since it
started snowing. There were faint tracks on Goshen Road
in the eastbound lane.

I'm tired of Winter. I'm ready for Spring.

We're past Groundhog Day which is the midpoint between
the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, so we're closer
to spring than to winter, I guess.

Those few warm days we had were enticing. 60°F felt so good.

But it's comin'.

I'm tired of Winter. I'm ready for Spring.


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