Monday, February 11, 2008

The New HRLM Books are here! The New HRLM Books are here!

Between and eBay, I often have a box
on my porch when I get home.

Most recently, a nice box was left by the delivery elves--
my order of Ham Radio License Manuals from the ARRL
pubs shop.

These batch came individually wrapped, which
is neat, and I'll give them to the folks in class that way.

This is still 1st ed, but it is the 3rd printing. They've managed
to catch some errors from the first run. They put the errata sheet
on the ARRL website (

Last class we noticed that "SHF" and "EHF" were switched on
the diagram showing the spectrum ranges. Actually, one of the
students pointed it out.

They also post Ward N0AX's "Back Reference" which is
a map of the question pool questions to pages in the book.
I did this last year as a study aid.

I'm planning to order a W5YI book as well, and map them to it,
then maybe the ARRL Handbook, ARRL Antenna Book, ARRL
Operating Manual, etc., so that each question will have a number
of places referenced.

The Question Pool comes from the NCVEC with Part 97 references,
but these additional pointers seem like a good way to help students
read more about a question they might have problems with.

Well... continuing with the checklist. Three days and counting!


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